"Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah."

Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 2:8

Monday, October 10, 2011

Staying Put in Salama

Hey guys! How's everything going? Sounds like you are starting to enjoy some nice Fall weather. I wish it was like that here. It's just hot and rainy every day! 

Alright well I guess I'll get right to it since I don't have a ton of time left today. Well, the news about the changes is pretty boring. Both my companion and I will be staying put in Salamá for another change it looks like, so we're buckling down for another change of hard work and are going to try to do better this change than the last change. I'm glad that I get to stay because that means that I'll get to be here for the baptism with Gilsa and Nieves on the 22nd of October so that's good. We're hopefully going to help some other families out and try to find some new possibilities here in Salamá. I still have things to learn from my companion and from the people in Salamá so I'm excited to learn more from the Lord. In our zone there are a few people that are going to the capital, but not too many, so it won't be too stressful to send them all out and get things taken care of for the changes. 

This week was a pretty busy week. Tuesday we had the concilio (zl conference) which was really good as usual. I received a lot of personal revelation and learned a lot from President Watts. He's just so great and spiritual. I really love him a lot. I didn't have the chance to take any pictures (sorry) because my camera was out of batteries when I went to the cap. My suit didn't get finished which is kind of lame, but we're going back down to the cap on the 24th cause my comp has to get his wisdom teeth taken out (definitely taking videos!) so maybe it will be ready by then. Anyways after concilio we came back and had a couple of mostly normal days of work. Then, Friday we headed out for Tactic to do divisions with the elders there for a baptismal interview and then our plan was for me to come back to Tactic Saturday to be able to see the baptism of the kids that I had put baptismal dates with. But right after I had got on the bus with the elder from Tactic that I was going to do divisions with, the assistants called and said that I couldn't do divisions right then, that I needed to go back and get my comp, go back to Salamá, find another elder from a different district, and come down to Guate with him that next day for an emergency interview with President Watts. I was a little nervous at first about why I needed to go to Guate  but then they said it was an emergency interview with the other elder that I had to go with. So anyways, Friday we spent the whole day looking for this elder because he was doing baptismal interviews close to our area. Once we found him we told him that he needed to go back to his area and get his stuff to go to Guate the next day and my comp did the baptismal interviews. So we didn't get ANY work done pretty much on Friday. Then I made the 3 and a half hour trip to Guate to wait for a couple of hours and then have the interview for a few minutes and then take the bus back to Salama. It was pretty tiring I have to admit. So, after the concilio and all the drama of the emergency interview, the week was pretty lame for work. But we still tried to do our best and work hard throughout the week. 

So anyways that's what has been going on here. Now for some comments about what's been going on there:

Dad- I'm really thankful for Grandpa Jack too. I've read his journal entry that you guys sent me a few times while I've been out here on the mission. I really admire him a lot too for his courage to just change his life for his family. He really is a man that has a lot of faith and I am really thankful for his legacy that he's left us too. The world really needs more people like him, that just want to do what's right so that their families can be happy and have what's most important. Those are the people that make the biggest impact on the world in the end, even more than the most influential or powerful people that have lived on the earth. I'm thankful to have been born into that legacy and also with Grandma Cawley's legacy as well. I can definitely see how blessed I've been by the Lord in having everything prepared for me to be born into such a great family. hahaha I laughed pretty hard about your "fabricated story". Don't worry you didn't fool me haha. Love you dad, thanks for your uplifting email.

Mom- hey there mother dear! yes..I did want to go back to the Polochik REALLY badly. But it's not about what I want. So maybe someday, but I'll just try and do whatever the Lord wants. Thanks for the updates about the investigator family that has been coming to church. It makes me really excited to hear about them! They sound awesome. It's so cool to see the Lord working in the lives of other people. What a huge blessing for the members in the ward and for the missionaries. (there are missionaries in the ward right?) I'll pray for them for sure too! I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy so that time will go by faster. I'm getting to the point right now when time is going by WAY too fast and I'm trying to slow things down just a little bit because I have so much to do before I go home still! But santa vaca Christmas is next change! weird. Speaking of that, the only thing that I guess I would need are a few nicer ties. I don't really have too many actually nice ties. They are all pretty ugly since those are the only ones I can afford here. The nicer ones are expensive! So just that :) I'll let you know if I think of something else. Love you mom!

Alrighty, well time is up, so sorry this is a little shorter than usual. Love you all tons. Thanks for writing and for uplifting me with your love and support. I rely on these letters every week more than you guys know. Love you all tons! Talk to you next week!

Elder Norton

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